Celebrate Valentoys with gifts that really ignite that flame!


Red roses, heart-shaped chocolates, pink cards filled with cliché texts. Valentine’s Day has kind of lost its magic, hasn’t it? Tell me honestly, how happy does an unoriginal gift make you on this day? That’s why this year, we’re celebrating Valentoys Day! A day with gifts that actually get you feeling all warm inside.

Unoriginal and cheesy

About those unoriginal gifts on Valentine’s Day. You know that the person has bought this gift for you because they’re under loads of social pressure and because they feel like they “have” to. Hello, it’s Valentine’s Day after all! So you can’t turn up empty-handed, can you? But that money could’ve been spent on a much nicer gift… something that really gets you going! A gift that’s useful, and which lasts longer than a week…

Gifts for Singles

Valentine’s Day can be a sad day for singles. But Valentoys Day, on the other hand… is a day where you get to treat yourself to the fullest! Buy yourself something nice, because you deserve it. Why? Just because! Think of beautiful lingerie or an exciting toy.

Our Valentoys Tips


Gifts for your long-term lover

Have you been together for years, and does it sometimes feel as if the passion and excitement have vanished into thin air? Well, then you really won’t breathe new life into the relationship by giving your partner another box of chocolates and a rose. How can you rekindle that fire? With a super exciting and sexy gift, of course! Your partner’s probably won’t be expecting it, and that makes it extra fun.

Valentoys for couples

Gifts for your new lover

Have you not been together very long and would you like to surprise your date? Go for a gift that’ll surely make their heart beat faster. Alright, a few tips… If you haven’t been intimate together yet, don’t come over with a rabbit vibrator, a BDSM set, or a butt plug! Buy them a romantic set of massage oils, beautiful lingerie, or a game of erotic questions to get to know each other better.

Get to know each other better with these Valentoys

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