With the tropical temperatures that our country can have, the temperature not only rises outside, but often also at home and inside your body as well. It’s no surprise that your libido rises a little during a heatwave. People are wearing less, and clothes are getting sheerer and tighter. The heat and all the sensuality around you stimulate your sex drive more in summer than in winter. Your libido is ready for action, but having sex when it’s 30 degrees? That requires good preparation. Before you know it, you might get a little too hot 🔥
Keep your head cool when your body’s hot! Your body always gets clammy with sweat during sex – no matter the weather. After all, sex really is a workout. Still, those sexy summer evenings can make it a bit too sweaty between the sheets. Read on for our heatwave-resistant sex tips.
A fresh breeze in the bedroom
Opening the windows may create a nice breeze, but sex with the windows open? If one of you can be quite loud during sex, it might not be the best idea. Luckily, you can get a fan! And we have a golden tip for you: place a fan in front of two bottles of frozen water or a cooling element. The wind from the fan will be a lot cooler! Thank us later.
“Create your own air conditioning by putting two bottles of frozen water in front of your fan!”
Have a bottle of water ready next to your bed or get a cool, damp towel. Especially after a long and intense sex sesh, you’ll definitely be thirsty. Sex is just like exercising, and during and after it, you’ll naturally crave water. Your body loses a lot of liquids, not only through sweating, but also through sex itself. Replenish your reserves! And enjoy the coolness of a wet towel. Great for dabbing your forehead when you get really hot.
“Sex is just like exercising, and during and after it, you’ll naturally crave water.”

Temperature play
Oh yes, temperature play at its best. Playing with ice cubes is now not only sexy, but also very functional! Use ice cubes to cool down and stimulate your partner’s body. You can also use frozen fruit: rub it on the hot skin of your partner and lick it off. There are also special toys that you can cool in ice water or the refrigerator (never put them in the freezer!). By using cool toys, your hot evening will get a little cooler.
Read also: Temperature play – playing with cold and warm sensations
Heat-resistant positions
Alright, of course, sex is a contact sport. However, try to avoid skin-on-skin contact as much as possible. Skip missionary or spooning this time! Go for positions that are not too intense, so you don’t have to work very hard.
Read also: 5 sex position for hot summer temperatures
Bonus tip
Bonus tip! Avoid the bedroom if it’s really hot in there. Evenings outside are generally a lot cooler. Go out and get sexy in exciting outdoor locations. Go for a swimming pool, a beach by a lake, or the sea!
Do you have any other tips? Share them in a comment!