It’s International Women’s Day, so ladies: treat yourself!

International Women's Day

What better way to celebrate International Women’s Day than to put women in the spotlight? In this article, we’ll share a few reasons why you deserve some attention. Read on for ways to pamper yourself this International Women’s Day!

What exactly is International Women’s Day?

International Women’s Day has existed since the early 1900s. That’s when 15,000 women in New York started their demonstration for voting rights, shorter working hours, and better pay. Since then, the movement has grown from NYC to all of America, until it became a global event!

The organisational body of International Women’s Day (IWD) says: “For years, women have been fighting for self-determination, individual rights, freedom, and equal treatment. But women fighting alone seems utopic, and the emancipation of men also needs to develop in a more positive direction. We need men to stand up and fight for emancipation in the broadest sense of the word. Men who, like us, strive for equality and have this as their ultimate goal.” So… men, this article is for you too! Let your wife, girlfriend, or fling know that you support her.

Why do women deserve to be pampered?

Well, first of all, because you’re here. Every woman is different and of course – especially in this article – we’re not going to stereotype and say that women deserve it because they can multitask, are caring, and always look their best. Because that’s not the case at all. Nor are we going to tell you why women are better than men, because that’s not the goal. The goal is equality.

Secondly, because you’ve probably had to deal with nasty, disparaging remarks simply due to the fact that you’re a woman. For example, “You’re a pretty good driver, for a woman.” Or, “Oh, are you having your period or something?” “Are you cranky? Well, go shopping”, or “Never mind, I’ll do it. This is a job for a man”. Ugh. They can be very belittling, snide remarks, or they can be well-intentioned but simply unfortunate comments.

And thirdly, because everyone deserves to be put in the limelight every once in a while. You can pamper yourself shamelessly for no reason, just because you want to! Many women do not put themselves first and feel guilty when they spend time on themselves. And that’s such a shame, because it’s so important.

Ways to spoil yourself (or your partner) on International Women’s Day (and every other day)

#1 Pamper yourself with a massage

Go to a salon or ask your partner. A professional massage is, of course, professional and very good for relaxing, but a massage from your partner is actually better. Why? Because it also involves a lot of love. You can often relax better in the hands of your partner.

Don’t have a partner and don’t feel like a professional massage? No problemo, you’re a strong, independent woman. You can do it yourself! Yes, the feeling is different, but it’s very nice to give yourself some tender love and care. Use a massage oil and enjoy your own touch. Take care of your whole body and pay extra attention to the places that feel good to you.

#2 Discover new heights with sex toys

If you read our articles, you’re probably familiar with sex toys. Sex toys are an enrichment for your sex life, but they’re also just very nice if you want to enjoy yourself as much as possible… with as little effort as possible. A toy makes sure that you can enjoy yourself in a relaxed way. Self-love is about any form of love for yourself. So a romantic or hot solo sex session is wonderful and good for your relationship with yourself!

#3 Do what makes you happy

Do something you’ve always wanted to do. Be it bungee jumping, pottery making, writing a book, or a threesome. Do whatever you want. Long-held dreams or wild fantasies: nothing is too crazy. And not just on this day, but whenever, actually. Some women feel anxious about putting themselves first, but that’s not necessary. In fact, it’s highly recommended to give yourself priority (every now and then). Because only when you love yourself completely and when you’re rested, happy, and content, can you be there for others 100%.

#4 Support other women

It’s such a shame that women don’t always support each other. We’re so quick to express jealousy. If a woman around us has achieved something, we often look for the negative. “Okay, she has a multi-million-dollar company, but she doesn’t have a partner.” “Oh, she’s been named the most beautiful woman in the country? Hmm… Well, she does have a big nose.” “Wow, people think she’s smart, okay, but she doesn’t look very stylish.”

Why do we do this? Perhaps we’re too quick to see everything as a competition, as a battle. We also want that success, that beauty, and that knowledge. We’re afraid that if other women are so successful, we’ll seem less so. But that’s just nonsense. We have to support every woman, because her success is your success. It’s ours, baby!

“A flower doesn’t think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms.”

There’s a beautiful quote: “A flower doesn’t think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms”. And that’s how we women should see it too. It’s not a competition, and the success or beauty of another woman says nothing about your own success and beauty. Let us bloom and grow together. And let’s never, ever bring each other down.

What will you be doing this International Women’s Day?

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