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Love Lessons #1 – Masturbation for Beginners

11 May 2021,

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Almost everyone masturbates or has masturbated before, but it’s still not part of everyone’s life. You’re not alone – about 90% of humanity masturbates, and it’s incredibly healthy! All that fingering and pulling are popular for a reason. Take matters into your own hands and enjoy every kind of masturbation 💝

The masturbation basics

Before we start masturbating, we’d like to give you some basic tips! A dirty mess is no use to anyone, is it? And don’t forget to enjoy it, that’s the most important thing!

Masturbation: noun. The stimulation of one’s own genitals in order to become sexually aroused

Useful tips

#1 Hygiene

Keep your personal hygiene in mind. Cut your nails beforehand, give your private parts a little wash, and don’t forget to wash your hands! Using lubricant also promotes hygiene and ensures a smoother session

#2 Privacy

There’s no need to be ashamed of masturbating. On the contrary! But, do try to ensure privacy when you masturbate. Lock the door(s), close the curtains, make sure no one can enter the room, etc.

Take matters into your own hands and enjoy every kind of masturbation  💝

#3 The internet

Watching others while giving yourself a treat can be very pleasurable. Don’t be afraid to explore – the internet is full of erotic videos! For more privacy, use the following key combination in Chrome while looking around online: ctrl + shift + n. Thank us later!

#4 Aftercare

Finished (with an orgasm)? Great! Tidy everything up and dispose of your tissues. Don’t throw them in the bin! Flush them or, if you’re using fabric ones, put them in the laundry basket.

Masturbating for men

Men masturbate more often than women – some even do it several times a day. After all, it’s a great way to spend your time! Above all, it’s simply very satisfying, and we promise you – it won’t make you deaf or blind. 😝

Common weekly activity

Yes it’s true – secretly, jerking off is a very common weekly activity for many men. It also starts at a young age. You’re exploring who you are and start playing around with your penis. Gradually, you firmly grab your entire penis, make a fist and start moving it up and down.  A simple yet effective stimulation for your glans!

The obligatory hand job

It doesn’t have to feel like a task! If you’re going to wank off, you need to be in the mood. Pre-cum does make the whole masturbation ritual a little easier! Of course, you can also use lubricant to ensure a smooth ride. Just try not to start pulling on a ‘dry glans’, as this causes unnecessary pain and unpleasant stimulation.

Masturbation is a great pastime and, above all, it’s just a lot of fun!

Movement variations

Explore your body and find out which movements you like best. You may like to hold your hand upside down and make the same up-and-down motion. Or perhaps you get off just by moving your fingertips over the head of your penis from top to bottom. Of course, you can unleash your wildest fantasies or use the internet! Check out tip #3 for more inspiration.

Positions and ejaculation

The easiest way is to lie down on your back and come on your belly. This way, you can easily wipe everything off with a tissue and flush it afterwards – hygiene is key (tip #4). You can also place a towel under you if you like lying on your stomach. This position gives your penis some extra stimulation. The same goes for a washcloth or a sock!

Masturbating for women

Sometimes, masturbation just feels like heaven on earth. Taking some me-time, relaxing and simply enjoying your own body. You love taking your time to find a comfortable position – seated or lying down – and enjoying it as long as you can. But how can you get the most out of it?

Fingering is normal!

There’s so much to discover about your body and how it all works down there. Masturbation is the perfect way to do it – don’t be shy about fingering yourself! Take some time and be sure to always follow tip #2!

The right atmosphere

Creating a comfortable setting is important. You really need to be in the mood – don’t masturbate just for the sake of it. To get yourself going, you can take off all your clothes below the belt. Of course, you can also take off everything and play with your breasts at the same time!

Masturbation is the best thing there is. Relax and enjoy some me-time!

Your fingers

Masturbation doesn’t mean that you immediately put all your fingers in your vagina. Don’t let the idea intimidate you – instead, take time to explore what turns you on! You may be too fast with your fingers and your vagina may not be moist enough yet. It’s also possible that you simply don’t like it, or that it even hurts! If this is the case, it’s best to stop right away.

Try different positions

A common way is to lie down on your back with your legs spread. You can also do things completely differently, like lying on your side. For many women, this is really the most comfortable way to go. Of course, lying on your belly and playing with your labia and clitoris is also an option. Or you may even enjoy masturbating standing up!

You’re all set to start masturbating! What did these masturbation tips do for you?

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