Erotic story – The neighbour woman part 2

erotic story

In the first part, Peter tells about his exciting neighbour, Anja. Things were pretty cozy between the two of them, but would they go one step further this time?

The neighbour woman part 2

I am sitting concentrated at my laptop when the bell rings. Quickly I type off the sentence of the document I am working on and get up. It is a warm morning and already the temperature has risen to about 28 degrees.

I open the door and see Anja our neighbour from a few houses down. I have to swallow because she is dressed very summery. In her tight T-shirt her good shapes are clearly visible. Her nipples are also clearly visible. She is also wearing a very short denim skirt.

She smiles. “Do you have a moment for me?” Unconsciously, I nod already without knowing what she needs from me. “I’m in the process of hanging a poster, but don’t have the right drill to drill a hole.” At the last, she starts laughing mischievously. “I know you have the right equipment for this kind of job.”, she continues. I nod again. “Yes for the concrete walls you should indeed have a strong drill.” Again, this sounds a bit ambiguous. “I’ll just grab it.”

I walk to the study and grab the case with the drill. It is a heavy case. Back at the door, Anja wants to take over the case. I shake my head. “Wait but I will help you with this, this is not really a job for a woman.” I quickly grab the house keys and step outside.

We walk to her house and step inside. “Where should the hole be drilled?”, I ask.

Again that mischievous smile. “In our bedroom above the bed.” Without saying anything else, she walks up the stairs to the top. I look up and see her nice ass. It looks like she has no panties on under her denim skirt. Anja walks into the bedroom. In the corner is a large poster with a rather erotic image of a nude woman lying naked on a couch. “Where exactly should the poster be?”, I ask. She points to the wall against which the bed stands. “Right there in the middle above the bed at a nice height.” I open the case with the drill and grab an inch and pencil. I start measuring the poster while Anja watches. “It’s a pretty big, pretty one.” Anja keeps smiling. “Yes I thought something like this would be appropriate above the bed.”

I take off my shoes and want to get on the bed. It is a water bed, so not as stable as I expected. I manage to stand quietly still at the headboard. I slide the inch out and try to find the centre of the bed. I put a small dot on the wall and turn around. “What do you think,” I ask, “Do you want me to hang it up here?” Anja walks to the end of the bed. “I think it’s right where I want it.”

I turn around and sharpen the tip so I can see exactly where to drill. Then I turn to get off the bed. Before I know it, the undulating motion causes me to fall sprawled out on the bed. Anja steps toward me and stretches out her hand. I grab it. She tries to pull me up, but it is not easy. In fact, she falls sprawling forward exactly on top of me. Her face is now close to me. She smells incredibly good. For a moment we lie still and look at each other. She spontaneously presses her lips to mine. For a moment I want to object, but then I reciprocate the kiss.

I put my arm around her and press her against me. I don’t at all notice her protest; she seemingly likes the fact that we are lying on the bed like this. She continues to kiss me extensively and deeply. My hand is now descending. She has a great ass.

I now want to know if she is indeed not wearing panties or something. My basket slides under her skirt and pushes it up. As I thought, no panties. Then Anja looks at me shyly. She moves up a little and grabs my T-shirt. In one motion she pulls it off over my head.

Her lips now begin to search for my nipples. Her tongue starts curling around my hard nipples and she moans a little. Meanwhile, I slide down the zipper of the skirt so that it is now completely free.

Then I also grab her T-shirt and pull it off over her head.

I see a pair of nice, not too large breasts in front of me. Anja is now on her knees on top of me. She undoes the belt on my pants. Moments later, my pants and underpants are next to the bed.

My penis soon begins to grow. Anja grabs my penis and begins to squeeze it a little. It is rock hard now. Anja slides down a bit and a moment later my penis is in her mouth. I feel her tongue around my glans and begin to moan. Sensing it won’t be long before I cum, I grab her head and slowly pull it off my penis. Our tongues find each other again in a long, fiery kiss. Meanwhile, my hands massage her beautiful breasts. Then she grabs my penis and helps it enter her. She has a soaking wet pussy, so sliding it inside is no problem at all. Slowly at first, but faster and faster my penis goes up and down in Anja’s pussy. She starts moaning louder and louder and I feel her nails on my breasts. Then follows a scream from Anja. “Jaaaa…….” She clearly cums and that’s a good thing because I too cum while squirting. A long kiss follows after which we lay exhausted next to each other.

Anja gets up and grabs my hand. Together we get off the bed. She holds my hand and pulls me along to the shower. She turns it on and we both step into the very spacious shower stall. She pulls me against her and a long kiss follows as the water runs pleasantly over us.

Before I know it, I can clearly feel my penis getting hard again. Anja notices this too and squeezes it hard. Before I know it, she makes a small jump and closes her legs around my waist. Her hand grabs my penis and directs it to her pussy. Again my penis slides into her. A prolonged kiss follows and Anja gently moves up and down. It is not long before we both cum again as the shower water gently flows over us.

A moment later we are outside the shower again and dry each other off. We quickly get dressed and walk back to the bedroom. We get dressed.

“How do we go about drilling the hole now?”, I ask. “Go ahead, otherwise I’ll have to ask you again.” Again that mischievous smile. “I’ll go ahead and drill the hole, but I certainly won’t turn down an invitation to do more!”

I grab the drill with the right drill bit and 2 minutes later the poster is hanging on the wall. I pack everything up again and we walk downstairs together.

Before she opens the door, Anja grabs me tightly and again a long kiss follows. I put the case with the drill on the floor and grab her nice ass one more time.

“I’m a little jealous of that guy of yours,” I whisper in her ear. “That’s mutual then. I’m jealous of your wife.”, she whispers back. “We should definitely do this again.”

Then she opens the door and I step outside. Moments later, I’m back at my laptop but can’t really concentrate. The images of the past hour keep coming up.

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