6 common beliefs about pubic hair that are actually false

intimate area

Pubic hair. We all have it but we don’t like talking about it. However, there are a few beliefs out there about the hairiness of our pubic region that aren’t entirely true. In this article, we talk about six of these misconceptions regarding our bushes.

#1 Pubic hair protects you against STD’s

No, no, no! The idea that pubic hair would prevent you from catching sexually transmittable diseases is absolutely not true! This might just be the most dangerous myth about pubic hair. In fact, your pubic hair can be a source of bacteria which will only increase the risk of catching an STD. Organic bacteria can nestle in your hair down under. Luckily this is preventable by maintaining good hygiene down there.

“Your pubic hair can be a source of bacteria which will only increase the risk of catching an STD.”

#2 Your pubic hair is the same as your natural hair colour on top

We used to think so as well, but it simply isn’t true 😉 But if you’re still curious about the colour of someone’s pubic hair (why?), then just look at their eyebrows. These are the most likely to match.

#3 Pubic hair doesn’t stop growing

Unfortunately, growing your downstairs hair out Rapunzel style will not work. Your pubes will stop growing when they reach between 1 and 5 centimetres in length. This varies per person. After the pubes have reached their maximum length, they fall out to make room for new hairs.

#4 Pubic hair makes sex less pleasant

This is not a misconception per se, but it’s not a fact either. To women, pubic hair can definitely make a difference in terms of comfort during sex. Pubic hair can serve as a ‘cover’ for some women to counter or soften certain types of friction against the skin. However, some women also enjoy the feeling of this intense friction. It’s all about your personal preference.

“To women, pubic hair can definitely make a difference in terms of comfort during sex.”

#5 Everyone thinks pubic hair is unattractive

Everyone has a different preference, even in the case of pubic hair. But… research shows that not removing your bush can also be very attractive! Your pubic hair is filled with pheromones. These pheromones can have a positive effect on your lover if they’re sensitive to smell. So, maybe skip the waxing for once?

“Your pubic hair is filled with pheromones that can have a positive effect on your lover.”

#6 People with sensitive skin can’t shave their pubic hair

Of course, shaving can lead to irritation and, for people with sensitive skin, this can be even worse. However, this doesn’t mean you have to throw away all of your razors and never shave your pubic region again. Just take a slightly different approach! Try not to put so much pressure on the blade and use a shaving cream meant for your intimate area. You can also try waxing or laser treatment instead of shaving.

Do you have any other funny misconceptions about pubic hair? Let us know in the comments!

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