The 6 most common myths about bisexuality
Fortunately, the LGBTQ+ community is becoming increasingly accepted by society, but there are still many prejudices and myths about people who don’t fit into the heterosexual stereotype. There are also many myths surrounding bisexuals. It’s high time to debunk all of them! This blog lists the 6 most common myths about bisexuality.
When a person has romantic feelings, sexual attraction or behaviour towards both men and women.
#1 Women who claim to be bi are just looking for attention
Women who identify as bisexual are often accused of simply seeking attention from men. When two women are intimate with each other, it’s often seen as an object of lust for men. This is because of the very outdated idea that female sexuality exists only for the male gaze. Bi women are just as serious about the women they’re interested in as they are about the men they may have feelings for.
#2 It’s just a phase
One of the most common myths is that bisexuals are confused and have not yet discovered their sexual orientation. For example, you often hear that men who come out of the closet as bisexual are ‘just not ready to come out as gay yet’, and women are often accused of just going through a ‘phase’ before finally settling down with a man. It’s interesting to see how people expect both bisexual men and women to be primarily interested in men.
“It’s interesting to see how people expect both bisexual men and women to be primarily interested in men.”
#3 Bisexual people are always polyamorous
Because bisexual people are attracted to both men and women, many people assume that they cannot be happy in a monogamous relationship. “Don’t you feel like you’re missing out on something?” is a common question. Of course, bisexual people may have more of a need for a polyamorous relationship, but it has nothing to do with orientation. Being bisexual simply means that they can be with both a man and a woman – it doesn’t mean that they always need one of each.
#4 Men can’t be bisexual
Because of the societal pressure to be a ‘macho’ man, it is often assumed that bisexual men are gay but in denial. This is absolutely not true – men can be just as attracted to more than one gender as women.
#5 Everyone is bisexual
Some people claim that everyone is bisexual, which contrasts with the myth that bisexuality doesn’t exist and is therefore only a phase. Although it’s common for many people to have some kind of attraction to or fantasy about someone of the same sex at some point in their lives, this doesn’t automatically mean that they’re bisexual. It’s possible that you can feel attracted to someone of the same sex, but not develop romantic feelings for them. This is what we call bisnacksual 😉
“It’s possible that you can feel attracted to someone of the same sex, but that you don’t develop romantic feelings for them.”
#6 You can only be bisexual if you’ve been intimate with both sexes
While no one doubts the sexuality of a heterosexual person before there has been any intercourse, many people think that bisexuals cannot call themselves that before they’ve had sex with a same-sex partner. Sexual orientation is a reflection of who you’re attracted to and has nothing to do with actual experience.
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