Non-sexual things women find attractive


In films, there are always typical things that women find attractive about men. Like big muscles, car mechanics who roll out from under a car covered in grease, and the romantic who stands under your window with a boombox. But what do women find appealing in real life? In this article, we discuss 10 non-sexual things that women find attractive.

This is what women find attractive

Of course, attraction also has a lot to do with taste. What one person finds super sexy, another may find really dull or meaningless. So it’s a bit of a tricky area, but in general, there are a number of things that many women find attractive. If you don’t agree with the points below, that’s no problem at all, because there’s surely something for everyone. 😉

#1 Passion

These people do exist: those without any hobbies or passions. How can that be? Isn’t there always something that gives you energy? Something you can’t get enough of and can talk about for hours? That, my friends, is passion. And passion is attractive! People who start beaming when they talk about something and talk so passionately that their passion (almost) spills over to you, are often seen as attractive.

It doesn’t matter what you’re passionate about or if you’re really good at it. Passion is passion. And when someone talks passionately about something, you know that they can be passionate in love too.

“Those people who start beaming when they talk about something!”

#2 The little things

Happiness is in the little things, but so is attractiveness! Like men rolling up their sleeves or loosening their ties, a kiss on your forehead, a pat on your bum, a smile from across the room. Women are complex creatures, and we find the craziest things attractive.

#3 Heavy Lifting

Men who do manly things are wildly attractive. Perhaps it has something to do with our primal instinct? In the old days, men were hunters, and they had to be strong, otherwise survival would be impossible. A man who lifts heavy cupboards, puts together a garden fence or opens that jar of peanut butter for you like it’s nothing… Yep, it does something to us!

“Perhaps it has something to do with our primal instinct?”

#4 Being friendly

And we don’t just mean friendly to you, but to everyone. The way he treats a waiter or a homeless person, for example, says a lot about his personality. A man who gets all high and mighty and snubs the waiter in a restaurant is really not sexy.

Although women often fall for bad guys, we really don’t want a man to be disrespectful and arrogant. Gentlemen who help little old ladies cross the street, open the car door for you and spontaneously kick a ball about with a group of kids… those are the guys we want!

“Although women often fall for bad guys, we really don’t want a man to be disrespectful and arrogant.”

#5 Men who stand their ground

Taking responsibility is tough, sexy, and attractive. Someone who always blames others, forgets to pay bills, and doesn’t stand up for what they want? Not sexy. But taking responsibility, acknowledging your mistakes, and having your life in order? We like that!

#6 Bad boys

Women do fall for bad men. Behavioural experts say that women fall for bad guys because these men are experts at flirting. They know exactly how to win over a woman. According to experts, women are looking for men who make them feel something. And it doesn’t even really matter whether those feelings are positive or negative.

With a wrong guy, things are never boring, and there’s plenty of passion. High highs and low lows ensure that the relationship never gets uneventful. But in the long run, women can see that a wrong man is not the right choice. Still, it’s hard to resist the charms of such a man. And even if you know in advance that it’s going to cause problems, you can get carried away in his game.

“Bad guys are experts at flirting.”

dit vinden vrouwen aantrekkelijk

#7 Men who aren’t afraid to express their feelings

A man who says what he feels: hallelujah! There’s nothing more attractive than a man who dares to say what he feels and wants. Who isn’t afraid to be vulnerable and to shed a tear every now and then. Men who are in charge of their emotions. Hell yes!

#8 Musicians

Of course, we find musicians sexy. Point 1: they’ve got rhythm. Point 2: they’ve got passion. Point 3: they’ve got confidence. Point 4: they’ve got talent. Point 5: they’ve got excellent control over their bodies. These are 5 points that are sexy in themselves, but musicians have all five!

And there’s more… Artists are often (somewhat) unattainable. And that mysterious, intriguing quality triggers us too! So actually, musicians are a mix of everything we find attractive!

#9 Sense of humour

This is an easy one, as no one in the world will say, “My perfect man has no humour.” Everyone, of course, wants a partner with whom they can laugh, so we’ve put it on the list anyway. People with a sense of humour often have a positive attitude, and that attitude is what women like.

You don’t want someone who always sees the glass as half empty and thinks in doomsday scenarios. You need to be able to laugh at yourself and see the fun in unpleasant situations.

“People with humour often have a positive attitude, and that attitude is what women fall for.”

#10 Men with dogs

Men who walk with a dog are seen as more attractive than men without dogs. At least, that’s what research has shown. Why? Having a dog means being responsible for someone other than yourself. A man with a (well-behaved) dog shows that he can care for others, is consistent and is able to love.

In addition, dog people are often outdoor people who like to walk and go out, and women often find that sexy too. And hello… Who doesn’t love dogs? When a Golden Retriever puppy comes waddling up, your heart melts instantly, doesn’t it? If there’s a nice guy on the other end of the lead, the dog has already done half the work for him.

What do you find really attractive?

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