How to use a cock cage

cock cage

If you are a lover of BDSM, you’ve probably heard of penis or chastity cages. Especially in sub-Dom relationships where chastity or abstinence plays a role, a penis cage can be a nice addition. This is because this toy prevents the wearer from getting an erection and/or having an orgasm, which can take arousal and possible climaxes to even greater heights.

What’s a penis cage?

A penis cage, also known as a cock cage, is a sex toy consisting of a solid sleeve worn around the penis. This makes stimulating the penis/glans to achieve an erection next to impossible, preventing most orgasms. The man won’t be able to stroke or penetrate while wearing it. If he does get an erection, it will be quite restricted by the cage and feel uncomfortable or even painful. A penis cage is generally locked with a padlock, so the wearer cannot remove it himself, giving the keyholder full control.

How does a penis cage work?

How you use a penis cage depends on which model you have, but generally, a penis cage consists of a sturdy sleeve of plastic, silicone or metal that you put around the penis and something you use to secure the cage. Often this is a ring placed behind the balls, but it can also be a strap that goes around the hips. Some models have no ring or strap but stay in place because of the flexible material. These are usually meant for short-term use, as they can be easily removed by the wearer.

Most penis cages come with a padlock with keys, so the dominant partner can lock the cage and keep the keys. There are also single-use plastic locks that can be cut off. However, these have a numerical code as well, so the wearer cannot secretly change the lock without the partner noticing.

Tip: Apply some lubricant to the penis and/or penis cage while putting it on, so that the cage and any rings slide more easily over the penis.

What types are there?

Penis cages for beginners

The most important thing to pay attention to is choosing the right size. Fortunately, most penis cages are available in different sizes and often come with rings with different diameters. Especially the brands CB-X and Lockdown have plenty of options for beginners. Therefore, it’s recommended to start with one of those two brands. Read more below on how to find the right size and what else to look out for.

Advanced penis cages

If you already have some experience with penis cages and would like to take the next step, there are several options to choose from. For example, there are cock cages that incorporate a penis plug for urethral stimulation. There are also penis cages that provide anal stimulation or stimulation of the balls as an extra option. Are you a fan of electrosex or want to give it a try? Then opt for Mystim’s cock cage.

What should you pay attention to while picking a penis cage?

The size

Penis cages come in different sizes, so it’s important to know in advance which size you need. To do this, use a tape measure to measure the circumference of the shaft of your penis when flaccid (in centimetres). Divide the circumference by pi (3.14), and you know what diameter your penis cage should be. The inner length of the cage is also important for the right size. This length equals the length of your penis in flaccid condition. Pay close attention to the specifications listed with each penis cage so that you choose the right size.


If you have little or no experience with chastity cages, it’s best to choose one made of plastic or silicone. These are lighter in weight than metal or wooden penis cages and are therefore often more comfortable to wear. As a beginner, it’s advisable to choose a penis cage from CB-X. These often come with multiple rings in different sizes, making them suitable for different sizes.

Already experienced with male chastity devices  and want something more challenging? Then go for a cage made of metal or wood. The weight of the toy pulls the penis and balls down even more for extra sensation.

How long can you wear a penis cage?

Basically, you can wear a penis cage for as long as you want, and you can even sleep with it. However, it’s recommended to remove the cage once a week to properly clean the toy and penis. If the cage has a pee hole at the end, you can also urinate while wearing the penis cage. Pat the cage clean with a cloth after each toilet visit for good hygiene.


Don’t have much experience with penis cages yet? Have the man wear the cock cage for short periods first and see how it goes. Does everything feel fine? Then the man can wear it for longer periods. Does he feel a lot of pain, get a rash or it is pinching? Take it off! If the man is very sore after removing the penis cage, always consult a doctor.

Tip: Want him to wear a penis cage during air travel? Make sure it does not contain any metal elements and only use plastic locks. This will avoid having the metal detectors go off at the airport and having to answer very uncomfortable questions ; )

How do you clean a penis cage?

The man can take the cock cage off to clean it, but should he not have access to the key, he can also clean the penis cage while wearing it. The easiest way to do this is in the shower. Let mild soap flow in through the openings and then rinse it well with warm water (not too hot, as this can affect the material). If he is able to take it off, he can also clean it with mild soap and water, but the easiest way is to spray it with toy cleaner and then rub the toy dry with a clean cloth.

Have you ever tried a penis cage?

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