Bye bye holidays! EasyToys goes back to BUZZness 😎

easytoys back to buzzness

The holidays are over: The good weather, relaxing, sleeping in and having lots of free time are history! This month is all about returning to everyday life: work, university, the gym… Everything’s going back to normal. But how do you maintain that relaxed holiday feeling?

Back to business

For many people, the holidays are a time to relax and recharge. During the holidays, we have the time to do the things we’d been putting off for months. However, we also do the things that make us happy, enjoy ourselves more and live our best life!

It may be time to return to your day-to-day routine, but do it in Generation Easy Style! No rut, no fuss and no taboos. Welcome to the new generation that celebrates life 365 days a year!

“With Generation Easy, you’ll feel chill, Zen and sexy 365 days a year!”

back to buzznes

No rut

Whether it’s school, work, the gym, or your old familiar routine, it’s time to get back into the swing of things, but in our own way! There are many things we can do to avoid getting into a rut, so we’d like to give you some tips.

Tips for couples

Tip #1 Date night

“We love to watch series together on the sofa.” Yes, we do. But is it exciting? Does it make you want to show your partner all you’ve got in store for them? Most probably not. So keep doing your best for each other! Plan dates. But like, real dates, okay? Going shopping together or visiting the in-laws doesn’t count!

For example, go to the restaurant where you had your first date, go swimming together, book a night in a hotel, do something active together… If you do something together every week that you both enjoy, it’ll greatly benefit your relationship and sexual attraction!

“Keep doing your best for each other!”

Tip #2 The Kama Sutra is your best friend

Your sex is probably not all that novel anymore because you already know what’s going to happen. You start with position A, then go to position B and end up in position C. Well, switch things up! Buy a book with Kama Sutra positions and, every time you have sex, open a random page and try that position! You’ll see that some positions are not for you, but others are sure to rock your world! Discovering it together is very exciting and romantic in itself.

“Discovering new things together is very exciting and romantic in itself.”

Tip #3 Make a sexy bucket list

Okay, for this tip, you have to spend an evening on the sofa. But no phones or Netflix! Draw up a bucket list of things you would like to do together. This can be anything, from snorkelling in Egypt to eating pizza in Rome, a threesome or BDSM. It’s best if you come up with your own ideas, but you can check out our super sexy bucket list for inspiration.

Tips for happy singles!

Tip #1 Time for toys

During your vacation, you had more free time and could easily drop by your lover’s or whip out your favourite toy. Well, make sure you also make time for such moments when life goes back to normal. Saying that you don’t have time is nonsense. You just need to try a little harder to make time.

So, during a busy study session, make time for some relaxation, because you’ll probably need regular breaks anyway. Planning an hour to clear your head will help you get back to work!

Tip #2 Take yourself out on a date

Lame? No way! Sex toys mean that you don’t need anyone else in the bedroom. So why do you need someone for a date? Go out on your own! Take a walk, go to the cinema, eat at your favourite restaurant… Hey, maybe you’ll meet someone there if you feel like it 😉.

“You only need yourself to have a nice date!”

Tip #3 Do something new every week

Do something new every week! It can be very small or very big. From learning to knit or going skydiving, learning salsa or building your own motorbike. Doing something every week that’s out of your comfort zone or something that’s been on your bucket list for years keeps life exciting… and spontaneous and fun!

What are your best tips for getting back into the swing of things after your vacation?

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