The 5 best sex toys for men

sex toys for men

While many women today talk openly about all the devices they have in their bedside tables, men often get dirty looks when they start talking about a masturbator. That’s a shame of course, but fortunately we do see that sex toys for men are becoming increasingly accepted. That’s great news, as there are plenty of hip and exciting sex toys to give new impulses to your sex life as a man!

Best sex toys – overview

The enormous range of sex toys available on the market can be a bit overwhelming. To make your first experience with a male sex toy a success, we’ll help you out. Below we’ve listed the 6 best sex toys for men, plus a number of suitable alternatives. We men also have our standards, and we don’t just put our penis into the first plastic vagina we get our hands on 😉 Spice up your (solo) sex life with our overview of sex toys that every man should have, use, and use again!

1. Fleshlight – the most popular masturbator

The Fleshlight is undoubtedly the best-selling male sex toy of recent years. A Fleshlight looks just like a torch and is therefore not recognisable as a sex toy. When you remove the cap, you’ll find a penetrable sleeve shaped like a vagina, anus, or mouth. The Fleshlight Girls series is even based on the bodies of famous porn stars like Jenna Haze and Alexis Texas! Fleshlight also has something to offer for gay men. Several male porn stars have made their mouths or anus available for the Fleshjack Boys series.

A realistic feel

When you, as a man, want to get as close as possible to the feeling of real sex, a Fleshlight is the sex toy for you. The patented Real Feel Super Skin material feels very realistic and is easy to bring to body temperature with the help of warm water. The inside of the toys has a stimulating structure to maximise penis stimulation. The back of the toy has a cap that can be loosened or tightened. This gives you control over the suction power of the masturbator.

2. Tenga Egg – put all your eggs in this basket!

The Tenga Egg is a uniquely designed masturbator, hidden in an inconspicuous egg ‘shell’. Its compact size and discreet appearance make it a perfect toy to take with you on your travels! There are a lot of different eggs available, each with their own name and inner structure. The flexible material makes it easy to pull the toy over the entire penis. The unique structures on the inside let you enjoy masturbating like never before!

“Its compact size and discreet appearance make it a perfect toy to take with you on your travels!”

One-time use masturbators

As the eggs are difficult to clean, they are intended for single use. Fortunately, the eggs can be purchased for a relatively low price. Tenga also has a lot of other affordable masturbators to choose from. Just like this brand’s other toys, these are uniquely designed and cannot be recognised as a sex toy from the outside.

3. Cock ring – for a long-lasting erection

cock ring ensures that your erection feels firmer and lasts longer. The ring should be slid around the base of the penis. Because the ring is tight, the blood doesn’t leave the penis. Men with erection problems, but certainly also their partners, can use a cock ring to have more enjoyable sex.

“A cock ring ensures that your erection feels firmer and lasts longer. Because the ring is tight, the blood doesn’t leave the penis.”

The best cock ring for couples

vibrating cock ring emits vibrations. It’s just the thing for couples as this model also stimulates her clitoris during penetration. So while the man enjoys a firm erection, his lady receives some extra stimulation. Win-win!

4. Anal sex toys

Anal stimulation can be a bit frightening for some men at first. For example, some men still link anal stimulation to homosexuality or pain. This is completely inaccurate of course, but fortunately we see this image changing more and more. A lot of different nerve endings come together in the anus, so it’s a very sensitive spot. Stimulating the anus is quite arousing, and it can lead to a sensational orgasm.

Butt plugs

Butt plugs are also becoming increasingly popular. A butt plug is the ideal anal toy to start with. They are often small, flexible, and have a narrow tip which makes insertion easy. The plugs have a wide, flat base so that the toy can’t slip all the way inside.

“Interested in trying anal stimulation? A butt plug is the ideal anal toy to start with.”

Best butt plug for beginners

An excellent model to start with is a classic butt plug with a small diameter. We advise choosing a silicone version as well. This material feels soft and is very flexible, making it easy to insert the toy. Also, keep in mind that a sufficient amount of lubricant is required for any anal toy. Did you know that vibrating butt plugs are also available? The vibrations of these toys help to relax your anus. Easy access baby!

Prostate stimulators

Have you ever thought about a prostate massage? Stimulating the prostate can give you climaxes like you’ve never had before! The prostate lies about 5 cm deep in the anus, just below the bladder. You can use your own fingers to reach the spot, but there are also special toys to stimulate it. A prostate stimulator has a curved top so that it can reach the prostate gland.

“The prostate is sometimes compared to the female G-spot. Stimulating it can give you climaxes like you’ve never had before!”

5. Blowjob machine – push the button ♪

An automatic masturbator is a toy that requires minimal effort on the part of the user. These sex toys are equipped with batteries or a rechargeable battery and can vibrate, pulsate, or make thrusting movements. Put the toys to action with the push of a button!

Tips from the editors

The Autoblow 2 gives the user a feeling similar to that of a real blowjob. That’s why some people also call it a blowjob machine. The masturbator has several beads in the shaft, which make an up-and-down motion during penetration. There are also vibrating masturbators that you don’t have to penetrate and can be used with a (partially) flaccid penis, like the Octopuss.

For even more inspiration, take a look at our offering and shop sex toys for men!

Which one of these toys will you be getting some action with? Let us know in the comments!

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